QUICK GREENING FORMULA - Veri-Green has a fertilizer analysis of 29-0-3. It contains iron for maximum greening that provides a deep-green color. Improving the health of your lawn will help protect the grass against drought.
FEEDS LAWNS FOR UP TO 3 MONTHS - This nitrogen lawn fertilizer provides gradual, consistent nutrient release for up to 3 months. It is not affected by excessive rainfall and will usually yield a rich-green color within 7-14 days.
USE ON ALL TYPES OF GRASS - Use the quick-greening formula of Veri-Green on any type of grass. If the lawn is under stress from heat and drought, and air temperatures are 85 degrees or higher, do not apply this product as turf injury may occur.
EASY TO APPLY - Veri-Green Lawn Food should be applied using a rotary, drop, or hand-held spreader. Our fertilizer should be applied to a dry lawn during spring or fall.
COMPLETE COVERAGE - This 45 lb bag covers up to 15,000 sq. ft. and it can be applied to any type of turfgrass.